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EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is the psychological acupressure technique and simple self-help method based on research showing that emotional distress contributes greatly to disease of the body.

EFT  works on a variety of health issues, psychological problems, and performance issues. EFT reduces the emotional shock of memories and incidents that activate emotional trauma. The body then rebalance itself, and accelerate healing.EFT is easy to learn.

The EFT Treatment Points

  • The Sore Spot - On your chest where you would pin a medal.
  • Beginning point of Eyebrow - Where the bone behind your eyebrow turns into the bridge of your nose.
  • Corner of Eye - On the bone in the corner of your eye.
  • Under The Eye - On the bone just below your eye
  • Under The Nose - Between your nose and upper lip
  • Under The Mouth - Between your chin and your lower lip
  • Collarbone - In the angle formed by your collarbone and the breastbone
  • Under Arm - in line with a man's nipples on the side of the body.
  • Thumb - All finger points are on the side of the finger, in line with the nail bed.
  • Index Finger 10.Middle Finger 11. Little Finger
  • Karate point - on the side of your hand in line with your life line.
  • Gamut point –Just behind and between the knuckles of your ring and little finger.

In EFT, these points are stimulated by comfortable tapping on them.

Right EFT Tapping

The first thing to understand is that you will be tapping with your fingers While it is important to tap the correct area, you need not worry about being absolutely precise, as tapping the general area is sufficient. With a little practice, you will be performing each round in under a minute.

Traditional EFT has you tapping with the fingertips of your index finger and middle finger and with only one hand.

Remove watches, ornaments, spectacles

It is advised to remove them prior to tapping.

EFT's assertion Statements

The traditional EFT phrase uses the following setup: "Even though I have this _____________,I completely accept myself." "I deeply and completely love and accept myself." It is best to say it out loud, but if you are in a social situation where you prefer to mutter it under your breath...or do it silently. .

Drink lots of water

Water is good conductor of electricity and EFT accesses the electrical energy that flows through our bodies and minds. It is very important for both you and your clients to drink lots of water.

Be determined with Your Assertions and say it in present form

Be sure to always remember to say your positive statements in the present tense. Your subconscious mind is very literal and if you ask it to do something in the future, you may fail to achieve your for many long years. So always say your affirmation in the present tense, otherwise you run the serious risk of not getting the desired result.


Forgiving others is as important as forgiving ourselves. Because the issues are not theirs, they are ours.
Non-forgiveness shuts that door. But when you forgive and when you let go, not only does a huge weight drop off from you and the doorway to your own self-love opens up