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Chakra Pendants

Carnelian Heart - Shaped Pendant (ID CP01 )
This bright carnelian heart pendant is perfect for lifting the spirits. Carnelian has and warming range of red tones that complement any individual. The deep red of these stones echoes their attributes of inspiring courage, hope and passion. This makes the carnelian great as a grounding protection stone.
carnelian heart pendant is also often used to encourage the flow of good luck and promote prosperity. It is ideal to be used for enhancing the growth of your business. Physically, Carnelian helps relieve rheumatism, reduce tiredness, purify the blood and liver, and improve blood circulation. Carnelian also strongly influences the reproductive organs and helps in revitalizing sexual organs, therefore may increase fertility and alleviate menstruation pain. Please note that natural crystals, unlike man-made crystals, may have blemishes, uneven textures and colors, inclusions or internal fractures in them. These are not flaws and are perfectly fine in the context of Astrology.
These carnelian heart pendants are perfect on their own, or adorning your other crystal necklaces.
All our crystal heart pendants use stones chosen for their high quality and beauty, making a gift to beautify any look.

Amethyst Heart - Shaped Pendant (ID CP02 )
Amethyst is a Greek word which means "prevention from drunkenness". There are many belief to do with the Amethyst, which was one of the first stones used by man. Its color ranges from pale lilac to deep purple. Amethyst is related to Planet " Saturn " and hence it can be used as a substitute of Blue Sapphire .The Amethyst was used to protect warriors and guarantee their conquest, to cure hunters, protect against diseases, control bad thoughts, strengthen intelligence and make its owner sharp in business. Amethyst guards against psychic attack, transferring the psychic energy into love. The Amethyst may help ease addictions such as alcohol, cigarettes, sweet etc.
This amethyst heart pendant is perfect on its own or adorning your other crystal necklaces. Amethysts are credited with soothing the mind and soul, as well as stimulating psychic and spiritual growth. With this heart pendant it is not hard to see why.
Using pale, partially clouded amethyst this pendant brings you the most delicate amethyst heart pedant available.
This soft feminine pendant is perfect for those looking for a pretty and versatile gift.

Rose Quartz Heart - Shaped Pendant (ID CP03 )
Mesmerizing soft pink in color and semi-translucent, Rose Quartz is the most desirable of all quartz and is associated with love, romance and relationships. Widely known as the 'Love Stone', Rose Quartz is most favored for its ability in speeding up the process for those seeking true love, mending broken relationships and jazzing up your existing romance life. This beautiful Rose Quartz is a love charm. Single or married women wishing to attract love or improve their love life should keep a Rose Quartz Heart Charm for Love with them all the time, in the purse, handbag etc. It also makes a lovely gift to someone special in your life as it is a symbol of love.
Rose quartz is also reputed to help with the comprehension of love, restores the love of self as well as love for others, and heals old emotional wounds while developing self-appreciation and love. It is therefore commonly used in meditation as a tool for emotional healing. Strongly connected to the softness it emanates, Rose Quartz would lead you to tenderness and to kindness. It calms you down and tamper you anger. Rose Quartz also increases self-confidence, creativity, expression and the feeling of being content. The Rose Quartz is said to strengthen the kidney and spleen. Wearing it is also said to aid the circulatory system, restores sexual and emotional imbalance as well as flushing out harmful toxins from our bodies.Please note that natural crystals, unlike man-made crystals, may have blemishes, uneven textures and colors, inclusions or internal fractures in them. These are not flaws and are perfectly fine in the context of Astrology.

Clear Quartz Heart Shaped (ID CP04 )
Quartz crystals are commonly found as rock crystals. These can manifest in various colors such as citrines ( yellow ),rose quartz ( pink ) and amethyst ( purple ) . Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. They are known for their electromagnetic properties and used to balance the body's electromagnetic frequencies. Also used to amplify and enha nce the body's energy and thus, the thinking process. Natural Quartz crystals are said to enhance one's spiritual growth and is often used in prayer beads. A person should wear one to enhance his spiritual growth as well as source of comfort during stress. It is also said to improve one's natural ability to fight diseases as well as resistance to change and mental adaptability, as per the ancient vedic texts.
Crystal is related to Planet " Venus " and hence it can be used as a substitute of Diamond. Please note that natural crystals, unlike man-made crystals, may have blemishes, uneven textures and colors, inclusions or internal fractures in them. These are not flaws and are perfectly fine in the context of Astrology.