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Chakra Bracelet

Amethyst Bracelet ( ID - CB01 )
Amethyst is an incredibly beautiful crystal and is very popular amongst anyone who works with crystals for spiritual reasons. Amethyst is purple quartz. It is quartz that has formed in the presence of manganese which creates the lovely purple hue. Normally it is quite clear and may have inclusions, rainbows and/ or clouding within the crystal. It's beautiful color makes it a very popular choice for jewelry. Amethyst can be a very pale clear purple or a very deep almost black. When it forms naturally, it may have a blend of other crystals with it such as ametrine (amethyst and citrine).

Multi Color Square Crystal Bracelet ( ID - CB02 )
Make a statement with this unique seven color crystal bracelet. This Multi Color crystal bracelet is made up of all natural square shaped stones. No two are ever alike.

7 Chakras Bracelet ( ID - CB03)
This bracelet will help balance and align your chakra's. Chakra's are energy centers located in the auric level of your body that correspond to different emotions, and parts of the body. The bracelet consists of gemstone beads to represent the seven colors of the chakra (garnet, carnelian, citrine, moss agate, blue lace agate, sodalite and amethyst)

White Crystal Bracelet ( ID - CB04 )
In physical enhancement, White Crystal Bracelet fortifies the immune system and promotes healthy blood flow. It is reputed to be very good for issues related to all body. This crystal product has been cleansed of negative energy using a singing bowl to empower it with positive Sheng Ch'i. Please note that natural crystals, unlike man-made crystals, may have blemishes, uneven textures and colors, inclusions or internal fractures in them. These are not flaws and are perfectly fine in the context of Feng Shui.

Rose Quarts bracelet ( ID - CB05 )
The Rose Quartz, or the stone of unconditional love is the most highly revered and desired stone of the quartz group because it can enhance love and romance luck in every aspect of your life. For those who are single, this love charm will attract to you a loyal and loving partner, who will stay with you for life. For those who are in a relationship, this love stone will quicken the process and stabilize the relationship with marriage. This love charm will also revitalize the fire in a marriage, and rejuvenate both feelings and sexual desire. Also, for individuals who have been hurt and had their hearts broken before, the Rose Quartz will heal the old wounds of the past by promoting compassion and forgiveness which will set yourself free from the negative emotions controlling you, and purifies and opens your mind and heart. An open heart is the key for many miracles to manifest in life - not only true love and healthy relationships, but also wealth and prosperity.
The Rose Quartz will not only improve relationships, but personal characteristics as well. For example, with use of this Feng Shui crystal, one will develop a heightened sense of tenderness, allowing you to be more open and understanding to those around you. This will also lead to a sense of contentment. Negative emotions such as jealousy, guilt, resentment and anger will be dispelled while positive ones like inner-peace, acceptance of your true self, self-love and self-esteem will be boosted. As a result, you will become a much happier person and naturally a more beautiful person - hence more attractive to people around you.
The Rose Quartz will, in addition to emotional issues, improve bodily functions in relation to romance, such as create balance for the reproductive system and sexual feelings. This bracelet is elastic and available in 8mm or 10mm diameter beads, and from length of 5 inches to 10 inches. Comes with a box. Crystal will be cleansed before shipping.