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Dehree Reiki Healing Association
(Endeavour of Dehree Holistic Company)
We want to constantly improve - learn - research and teach the lessons of "LIFE" and make humble effort to improve the quality of personal - Professional and family life of people. We show you the secrets for breaking through the blockages that prevent you from performing at your fullest and enjoying life more abundantly. Our primary mission is to provide the tools that get your teams from where they are now to where they yearn to be. We create a highly charged positive environment, where walls of resistance and lack of interest are immediately dissolved within the first ten minutes of the program. We reach deep inside of our audience members, triggering astonishment, amazement and intrigue. We want to evolve and inspire people to evolve to their highest God given potential and achieve outstanding results. The Dehree Reiki Healing association humbly dedicates itself to its mission of providing customized solutions to people globally in holistic sciences.

Our purpose is to make people aware of the balance between mental, physical, emotional and spiritual energies and synthesize our lives with nature It is our commitment to "Mission - Social Transformation"

Dehree Way of life

The Spirituality is all-encompassing sense to connect to cosmos.  There is a constant input of reminders that we are part of some divine plan. One need to understand that to know Thyself we need stillness of mind so that in one concentrated approach we connect to the divine and get messages from the cosmos which ultimately clears the confusion in our minds about what we want and what we should do to achieve it.

Spirituality is everywhere in India and our culture is such that we are more spiritual than the west and no wonders India ranks higher than the U.S. on national rankings of Happiness.

In the West people keep separate time for spiritual practice if any whereas over here it is constant life style morning to night, birth to death. Indians are more connected to each other beyond one’s self centred life as in the western world.

To make spirituality a way of life Dehree Reiki Healing association has come out ambitious plan to take Dehree Reiki to each house hold. Dehree way of life involves blessings of our elders and our fore fathers who all act as our guardian angles. With Dehree way of life we are spiritually more elevated and thus start understanding the divine plan of which we are part and then we take proactive approach in life as taught in Srimad Bhagavad GITA (    karmanye vadhikaraste maa phaleshu kadachana). With group of people acting as critical mass we can make spirituality a way of life for the entire world.

At Dehree Reiki Healing, we promotes following salient features for all who associate with us.

1) Your Journey on Spiritual Path

Even with all exuberant and expansive life style you might not be fully satisfied in life.  It might be that you are not fulfilling true purpose of your life. To find your path one need to be in better state of consciousness.  If you keep doing something you feel passionate about and enjoy, you will start seeing your path. 

2) Inner peace and spiritual growth

While suffering from negative emotions such as anger, depression, fear, guilt, jealousy, etc., you cannot be at peace with yourself and surroundings.  One suffers from these negative emotions when there is lack of worthiness of life and we stop loving ourselves. Spiritual growth happens when you learn about yourself and heal yourself.

3) What you eat is what you are!

How & what we eat is deeply connected to our self-love which leads us to spiritual growth.  You need to listen to your body to find out what kind of diet is the best one for you. When you are spiritual you listen to your body and respond adequately.  After meditating for a few years, one tends to lose desire for non vegetarian food. Do not be judgmental and become extremely rigid and assertive about a certain diet, as it generates negative energy toward others who do not share the same kind of diet or possibly ruin your health.  

4) Physical Exercise

Taking care of our physical self is a form of self love.  Doing yoga or light exercise on daily bases keep our body healthy and disease free as while exercising our body vibrates at higher energy level. Being in nature also helps us connect with the mother earth and nature spirits. 
Also, it is very important to be outside and enjoy the sunshine as lack of sunshine definitely affects your emotional health.

5) Compatibility in relationship

Everyone deserves love and happiness.  In a bad relation you might have some karmic issues so you eventually heal yourself.  Also happiness is state of mind and not about your circumstances.  You need to be happy on your own in order to have a happy and healthy relationship.  To have a mature relationship, we need to have some level of self-awareness and sense of responsibility for our emotional reactions as your reaction to a situation reveals that there is something inside you that needs to be healed.  

6) Eco friendly approach to life

We cannot neglect our environment once we understand that everything is connected to each other.  In other words, you are a part of the whole and the whole is a part of you.  If you truly love yourself, you cannot harm a part of you.  At Dehree we promote eco friendly life style where we consume as per our needs and not exploit the resources of mother earth.

7) Self improvement and clearing the past

We should never stop growing and learning new things nourishes our soul.  We recommend you to be aware of all positive events happening around you and take active participation. This way you clear your past wrong doings as your mind is focused on positive constructive work and eventually your guilt factor about past wrong doings disappear.

8) Cosmic Law of Attraction & Abundance

When you are spiritual your energy levels goes up and you start attracting more positive things. So by Law of Attraction really works and you manifest what you desire.  Just trust that the universe always gives you what you need. This kind of attitude and gratitude would shift your energy.    

Some "spiritual people" believe that focusing on money is not spiritual.  We believe there is nothing wrong with pursuing wealth as long as you make money in an ethical way.   Money is just a form of energy that we are in this materialistic world.  We need this energy to take care of ourselves and others.  We can bring about lot of good changes in society by using this money.

9) Eternal bliss!

According to Law of Attraction, when we are happy, we start attracting positive events, positive people, and positive circumstances.  To make it habit of mind, we need to keep appreciating everything we have daily.   This is called Attitude of gratitude.  Just focus on the positive side of everything you see and you develop this as habits of mind with self discipline and persistent positive thoughts.  Be an external observer to your behaviour each time you lose control of yourself and then you will be able to handle yourself better.