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Chakra Mala

Seven Chakra Mala ( ID CM01 )
Each chakra has a color associated to it. This mala contains the seven colors that correspond to each chakra. Crown Chakra = violet, Throat = blue Third Eye = indigo, Heart = green, Solar Plexus = yellow, Sacral = orange, Root = red. It helps to clear and balance the body's key seven chakra .Wearing this mala will help to remove any blockage in the flow of the current (Energy) through the seven chakra. Thus it will help to attain the perfect, harmonious body function. Not only this, mala will help to enhance the vibration and potency of the seven chakras. Each bead has been picked, blessed, and chosen for its "energy" level

Amethyst Mala ( ID CM02 )
Amethyst is a stone of spirituality, contentment and meditation. It has the ability to absorb negative energy while emitting positive energy. It is considered a stone of wisdom as it increases ones psychic awareness. Amethyst is worn to enhance intuition, inspire creativity, quiet the mind, and encourage peace and stability. Wear to reduce anger, impatience, and headaches. Can benefit people with insomnia or troubled sleep. Stimulates the Brow and Crown Chakras.
Amethyst has come to be known as a power crystal with prolific healing powers which can be characterized as purifying, pacifying and transitional. Amethyst has the ability to transform lower energies into higher and acts as a healer at all levels of mind, body and spirit. The healing powers of Amethyst date back as far as the ancient Greeks who believed that Amethyst protected from the intoxicating effects of alcohol. The word "amethyst" is of Geek origin and is translated as- "amethystus" meaning not drunken, or intoxicated ("-methystos" from "methyein" or intoxicated, "methy" = wine). The 7th Chakra, or the Crown controls the energies used in any mental activity. Amethyst helps to relieve strain or tension in this area. It is considered a helpful aide in meditation and in the facilitation of psychic visual enhancement. Its tranquil sobering effect allows those who are energetic to relax. It also is a cure for insomnia and nightmares and makes the intuition sensitive to understanding that outside of scientific reasoning.

Jasper Mala (ID CM03 )
jasper mala Jasper is a very strong power stone. In the middle ages it was called the "Warriors Stone" and is good for combating exhaustion and for maintaining physical stamina. Jasper is protective. It can align all the chakras and balance yin yang energies, it is stabilizing and healing. Legend says that Jasper would drive away evil spirits and protect against snake and spider bites. In the fourth century it was thought to bring about the rain. Red Jasper is gently stimulating. It grounds energy and rectifies unjust situations. Red jasper brings problems to light before they become too big and provides insights into the most difficult situations.
It makes an excellent "worry bead", calming the emotions when played with. Placed under the pillow, it helps dream recall. It stimulates the base chakras and assists rebirthing. It cleans and stabilizes the aura, and strengthens your boundaries. The energy of this stone works at the base chakra awakening the Kundalini (the spiritual life force at the base of the spine) as it does so it clears and strengthens each chakra in turn. It also works on stimulating creativity whilst encouraging self discipline to complete endeavors or projects which have lost their original excitement. In a healing capacity it aids the circulation and digestion and detoxifies the blood. Red Jasper is a powerful protection stone against psychic and physical threats and will return negative energy to the sender. It is a powerful focus for "intimate magic" for increasing passion in lovers.

Tibetian jade mala (ID CM04 )
Jade is a gemstone of much history, it has been part of Asian philosophy for centuries. It is often called the "dream stone" for its ability to help one access the non-physical spirit realms. It is a protective stone, and acts as a ward against negative energies. Jade is a stone of the heart. As such it is related to the heart chakra and has a beneficial effect on all heart chakra related issues. So, of course, it can attract and enhance love of all kinds. It is also a stone of fidelity and generosity. It is also considered to be good for the physical heart and for emotional balance and stability.
Jade is also very helpful as a stone of abundance. Physically, jade is used to heal lung problems, kidney problems, immune system weakness, PTSD, and nervous system overwork. Jade, considered a very lucky stone, facilitates peace and harmony between the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of ones life. When all of these aspects operate in harmony and balance, goals become easier to reach. Chinese people think jade prayer beads can bless one away from tragedy. Their purpose may vary, but commonly the beads are used to enhance 'goodness' and diminish toxins. Driving away evil and filling you and all beings with peace and bliss. Jade can be used as a dream-enhancer by slipping a mala of it under your pillow or inside your pillow case while sleeping. If used for Japas, Tibetan green jade mala can be used for Japas of Mercury (Budh), Ganesha, Green tara, Dhanvantri, Hayagriva

Quartz Mala (ID CM05 )
Crystal quartz mala Quartz is a power stone. It has been called the "Universal Crystal", and is the most recognized type of crystal. It's what many people envision when they think of crystals, even though there are many types of crystals. Quartz can be icy clear or have inclusions, veils, bubbles, etc. Visual clarity normally isn't important to a quartz crystal's energetic quality and ability to amplify subtle energies. Quartz enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. It channels universal energy. Quartz also enhances thoughts, as they are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection, and channeling. It is also beneficial for storing and retrieving information of all types, as information is a form of energy pattern also. This makes them particularly good for programming. Due to its ability to balance, quartz is excellent for harmonizing and balancing one's environment. Quartz is also good for energizing other crystals. Quartz is a stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy.
It can be used to purify and clarify on the spiritual, mental, and physical planes. It is also powerfully protective. Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom. Because it clarifies though processes and emotions it increases inspiration and creativity. It can also help particularly with concentration, studying, and retaining what one learns. Quartz is also a stone of harmony because it balances energies, and is even helpful in romantic relationships. Psychically, quartz is a powerful stone. It is used for protection because it counters black magic and protects from negative energy. Quartz is very useful on the third eye chakra for clarity of psychic vision, and can be used to communicate with spirits and other worlds. Quartz is a stone that can access ancient wisdom and bring it into the present. It is a very good stone for astral travel, manifestation, scrying, channeling, dream recall and dream work. Quartz is a Master Healer stone. It is an excellent all purpose healer. It amplifies healing energy and is used to perform diagnostic healing. It has been used historically to detect food poison. It is said to draw out pain. Quartz fortifies and strengthens all systems of the body. Quartz is reputed to be particularly effective for chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, fibromyalgia, intestinal troubles. It also improves mental and physical energy, stamina, and physical strength . Clear quartz is associated with the crown chakra, but also works effectively to balance and energize all chakras. If used for Japas , Crystal mala can be used for Japas of Maha Lakshmi , Shukra ,Gayatri , Saraswati , Rama , Sai Baba.

Garnet Mala (ID CM06 )
Garnet mala to enhance body strength and removing negative energy Garnets have been widely known for thousands of years, and it has long been known as the warriors stone, as soldiers from the world over wore or carried this gem as a talisman against death and injury, But it was also said to bring victory, peace and tranquility, as well as healing injuries by stopping the flow of blood. Garnet is a stone of romantic love and passion. Metaphysically it is used to enhance sensuality, sexuality and intimacy. It is said that garnet will bring positive thoughts and boost energy. Garnet is an excellent stone for manifestation, and can assist mystically with building one's self-confidence as well as success in one's chosen profession. The Garnet is commonly known as the stone for a successful business.
If your business is not as good as it should be, just put three or more garnets on your desk, and improvement should be forthcoming. A garnet gemstone under a pillow is said to prevent bad dreams, as well, wearing the mala is told to help generate popularity amongst peers, and help alleviate depression; it will also bring constancy to friendships. Garnet creates harmony. Its energy first purifies, then energizes, instilling either intensity or calm, which ever action is necessary for balance. Although connected with the sacral chakra, it will help cleanse and revitalize the entire chakra system, expelling negative energy. Garnet is also a protective energy stone which is especially effective for protection from evil. Garnet is also often used for gentle spiritual healing. Garnet enhances bodily strength and repels negative energy. Healing for skin afflictions and a heart regulator. Garnet has a strong affinity for the root chakra and harmonizes Kundalini powers. Aligns subtle bodies. Garnet is sacred to many traditions for it works with speed to help you see and transform inner obstructions to personal growth. Garnet is particularly good in times of change, permitting you to clearly, powerfully see your own responsibilities and attracting loving assistance from others.