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Dowsing is a natural and integral tool of man. It is an ancient art dating back at least 8,000 years of finding hidden things accomplished with the aid of a dowsing stick, rods or a pendulum. It is also known as divining, water witching, and doodle bugging.

The Pendulum used in dowsing is a powerful antenna that receives information from the vibrations and energy waves emitted by people, places, thoughts and things. It can be compared with radios / TV's picking up information from unseen waves. In more modern times dowsing has been used to find water for wells, mineral deposits, oil, buried treasure, archaeological artifacts - even missing people

Artwork from ancient China and Egypt seem to show people using forked tools in what might have been dowsing activities. The first unambiguous written accounts of dowsing come from the Middle Ages when dowsers in Europe used it to help find coal deposits.

More modern labels for dowsers include motorscopists, psychoscopists, psychogenic water locators, psychometrist geomancers, and radiesthesics. In recent times, the phenomenon has come to be called dowsing almost universally. In the British army, those who practiced dowsing have come to be called "first-class well diggers".

How does Dowsing work?

We all are surrounded by bio-electric field called aura which in simple terms is heat energy emitted by us. Dowsing interacts with this delicate energy field, putting us in touch with our subconscious and inner mind which has enormous amount of information not known to our conscious minds. The pendulum creates a bridge between the logical and intuitive parts of the mind. You can also ask for and receive assistance from your guardian angels and spirit guides. With dowsing you can alter your aura or the aura of other people, places, and things for the highest good of all involved.

Albert Einstein believed that Dowsing had some link with electromagnetism. Research by many scientists indicates that just as birds migrate following the earth's magnetic field, dowsers responds to electromagnetic energy that radiates from everything on Earth.

Dowsing advocates in history include Leonardo De Vinci (inventor), Robert Boyle (father of modern chemistry), Charles Richet (Nobel Prize winner), and General Patton (U.S. Army).

The pendulum cannot move by itself. If you were to hang the pendulum on a fixed stand and wait – nothing would happen. Neither the internal energy of the pendulum material, nor the energy of an object brought close to it, cause any movement at all. Exceptions of course are strong magnets and artificially created electromagnetic fields.

Uses of Dowsing

You can try all sorts of things with dowsing. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
  • Sort out problems in your relationships.
  • Balancing and healing of chakras.
  • Testing purifying your food and charge water with positive and healing energy.
  • Align your life with prosperity vibrations leading to abundance in life.
  • Find hidden metals such as gold, silver, and buried treasures.
  • Find lost people.
  • Dowse using a map to find things.

Learning to Dowse

Dowsing Instruments Find one that feels right to you!
  • L-Rods (two rods shaped like an L)
  • Pendulum (any weighted object on a string or chain)
  • Bobber (a flexible rod with a weight at one end and a handle at the other)
  • Y-Rod (such as a forked stick)
Anyone can learn dowsing. It does involve a lots of practice. Before you can practice you need to understand movement of the pendulum or rod(s) .Most dowsing can be accomplished by three movements - one for a YES/POSITIVE answer, another for NO/NEGATIVE, and a third for MAYBE/NEUTRAL response. One may also count the number of swings or turns to determine depth of an item being searched for; rely on the movement of the instrument to determine the length of a particular treatment they're doing; etc. The first step is determining what YOUR responses mean. Your responses may vary from another person's but that is fine - what works for you is all that counts!
  • Take your pendulum and hold the string or chain between your thumb and first finger, about 2 to 3 inches from the weight at the end.
  • Sit quietly for a few moments to centre and ground yourself and you should be completely relaxed.
  • While slowly swinging the pendulum vertically back and forth, mentally (or out loud) ask the pendulum to show you your YES movement by swinging in a circular direction. This will be clockwise or counter clockwise.
  • If there is little or irregular movement it might be beneficial to hold the pendulum over your right knee. Repeat the question "Please show me what my YES response is." o Repeat for a NO response (over the left knee if necessary).
  • Ask for your MAYBE response. Oftentimes it will be a back-and-forth swing at a 45 degree angle. It should be something quite different from the circular motions. Now you practice, practice, and practice some more! You should start by asking questions that you know the answers to. For example, is my name Bhaskar? Then you can move on to asking questions where the answer can be verified, such as "Are there any email messages on my yahoo mail? If you get a YES response, ask "Is there 1 message?" "More than 1 message?" "Is there 2 messages?" and so on.This way you will be very good in your predictions in a due course of time
Now you practice, practice, and practice some more! You should start by asking questions that you know the answers to. For example, is my name Bhaskar? Then you can move on to asking questions where the answer can be verified, such as "Are there any email messages on my yahoo mail? If you get a YES response, ask "Is there 1 message?" "More than 1 message?" "Is there 2 messages?" and so on.This way you will be very good in your predictions in a due course of time